

Nick Passey商业数字主管 & IT,澳门葡京网赌游戏国际 & 日本


Anil Kukreja医疗事务副总裁 & 监管部门,澳门葡京网赌游戏印度

How we’re collaborating with non-traditional partners to develop innovative solutions to today’s healthcare challenges


Nick Passey and Anil Kukreja look at how 澳门葡京赌博游戏的印度健康创新中心 is collaborating with leading start ups to address areas of unmet need and develop patient-centric solutions that are accessible and affordable.

From collaboration comes innovation – breakthrough ideas that challenge conventional thinking, 突破科学的界限,帮助澳门葡京赌博游戏为患者带来改变.

通过澳门葡京赌博游戏的A.催化剂网络, 一个由20多个健康创新中心组成的全球网络, 澳门葡京赌博游戏将不同的合作者聚集在一起,在世界范围内建立非传统伙伴关系.

该网络旨在应对全球卫生保健挑战, 增加可负担和公平获得医疗保健的机会, 扩大和展示病人创新.

怀着这些雄心壮志, 印度正在成为科技初创企业的首选地, 吸引了来自世界各地的创新者和投资者. 现在是世界第三大创业生态系统, 目前有超过63个,全国有100家公认的创业公司. 前进, 据估计,到2023年,印度医疗技术市场将达到50亿美元, 并且正在以39%的复合年增长率增长, 尽管受到COVID-19大流行的影响.

到目前为止, 澳门葡京赌博游戏的印度健康创新中心, which was established in 2019 in partnership with the National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM) and the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) Delhi and Jodhpur, 已经与27家初创公司合作,帮助澳门葡京赌博游戏改变患者的治疗效果.


There is an urgent need to bridge the gaps in existing healthcare infrastructures and ensure that support reaches underserved communities. 为了解决这个问题, 澳门葡京赌博游戏的印度中心, 与Tricog合作, 一家初创企业和医疗技术制造商, implemented Project Heart Beat – an initiative which has had such a positive impact that it has already been replicated in Argentina, 马来西亚, 墨西哥, 埃及和菲律宾.

心脏跳动计划, Tricog’s InstaECG machine enables local healthcare professionals to take electrocardiograms (ECGs) and upload them to the cloud, 数据是由专家使用专门构建的应用程序来解释的. 如果筛查过程证实了心肌梗死的诊断, 病人被引导到合适的医疗机构接受治疗.

平均, 使用这种技术的检测只需要三分钟, and has helped physicians at poorly equipped primary healthcare centres to correctly diagnose over 17,000个病人——总共9个,000 cases of myocardial infarction identified and referred to tertiary care centres for appropriate intervention by cardiologists in 2021.

Project Heart Beat’s collaboration with AstraZeneca brought state-of-the-art medical innovation and our advanced artificial intelligence technology onto a single platform. It is a privilege to work with AstraZeneca’s team on our journey towards saving a million lives.

Charit Bhograj博士 创始人 & Tricog健康公司的首席执行官

澳门葡京赌博游戏网络上的许多中心都在与quure合作.ai, 专门从事基于人工智能(AI)的医学成像, 利用人工智能技术及早发现肺部疾病. 印度中心与quure合作建立了一个成功的倡议.人工智能和健康技术初创公司Predible已经被E.N.D(早期结节检测)肺癌. 使用Qure.ai是基于ai的解决方案, qXR, 肺科医生可以用胸部x光检查不确定肺结节(ipn)。, 哪些是肺癌的征兆, and refer any suspicious cases for further computed tomography (CT) scans within the same centre. Predible的人工智能技术, LungIQ, further examines the CT scan to identify whether the nodule is benign or caused by lung cancer or tuberculosis. 然后根据需要将患者转诊给肿瘤学家, 活组织检查将在哪里做出诊断, 包括肺癌的类型和分期.

Combining X-rays and CT scans in this way allows for early detection and timely intervention in lung cancer and reduces the burden on hospitals at the door while limiting patient wait times. 因此,作为E的一部分.N.D肺癌, the aim is to deploy the AI‑based solutions in the top 60 Indian tertiary and regional cancer care centres by 2024 to maximise the benefits of early detection of lung cancer.

除了, 以及澳门葡京赌博游戏在全球共同开创的许多其他旗舰数字项目, 澳门葡京赌博游戏最近宣布了加入亚投行的承诺 世界经济论坛爱迪生联盟 – a partnership that aims to improve the lives of one billion people by 2025 through digital inclusion. 作为世界经济论坛爱迪生联盟十亿生命挑战的一部分, we have committed to screening five million patients by 2025 through our partnership with Qure.ai.

Qure.Ai的目标是为每个人提供可获得和公平的医疗保健. quure.ai and AstraZeneca is helping to harness and scale-up the use of our AI based solution to improve early-stage detection of lung cancer, 降低死亡率,提高患者预后, 不仅在印度,最终在全世界.

Prashant谨慎 quure创始人兼首席执行官.ai


To accelerate the uptake of innovative healthcare solutions in clinics and hospitals across India, we have also established the 印度-瑞典医疗创新中心 – a collaboration between the Swedish Trade Commissioner’s office, 目标是新德里和焦特布尔. 该中心旨在使人们更容易获得医疗保健, 价格实惠,以病人为中心, and to provide a platform for Indian and foreign innovators to work side by side with leading doctors to ensure their solutions are suited to real-world medical settings.


The India hub is also piloting new solutions developed by our 全球创新科技中心 (GITC) in Chennai. 全国最大的生命科学产业技术中心之一, GITC的目标是带来技术, 创新和人走在最前沿,才能推进澳门葡京赌博游戏的科学, 预测患者需求,推动澳门葡京赌博游戏走向数字化的未来.

GITC在引领创新方面发挥着越来越重要的作用. I am looking forward to taking the collaboration between GITC and the India hub to the next level – to leverage the power of India’s thriving ecosystem for the ultimate benefit of our patients.

湿婆Padmanabhan 副总裁,IT企业能力 & 解决方案(ECS) & GTC印度公司负责人

The success stories from our India innovation hub are a testament to what can be achieved through cutting-edge solutions facilitated by impactful partnerships. I’m very excited about the hub’s potential to help shape a future where everyone has access to affordable, 公平和可持续的医疗保健.

Gagandeep辛格 澳门葡京网赌游戏印度地区总裁


Our ultimate aim is to strengthen and future-proof health systems across the whole patient journey, ensuring everyone has equitable and affordable access to the life-changing healthcare solutions they need, 不管他们住在哪里. 但正如印度中心所表明的那样,创新不会孤立地发生. By collaborating with start-ups to create sustainable cutting-edge solutions and unlock the power of what science can do, we can work towards our vision of establishing integrated healthcare systems worldwide and transforming patient outcomes globally.

如果你和澳门葡京赌博游戏一样,希望通过创新塑造医疗保健的未来, 那澳门葡京赌博游戏想听听你的意见. 无论你是初创企业、学术机构还是大公司, 申请成为澳门葡京赌博游戏A的下一个合伙人.催化剂网络 Portal.


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