
澳门葡京赌博游戏是一家以科学为主导、以患者为中心的全球性制药公司. We are dedicated to transforming the future of healthcare by unlocking the power of what science can do for people, 社会与地球.



We are focused on creating genuinely innovative medicines and improving access to them. In this way, we deliver the greatest benefit to patients, 卫生保健系统 and societies globally.

We have three priorities designed to deliver our growth through innovation strategy.


  • Creating the next generation of therapeutics using an array of drug modalities, 例如, 先进的生物制剂, 基于核苷酸和细胞的疗法. 
  • 引领科学、数据和技术融合. 
  • 推进澳门葡京赌博游戏的管道.


  • 利用澳门葡京赌博游戏的创新科学来创造更加个性化的, 精确和可访问的医疗保健体验. 
  • Engaging with the entire healthcare ecosystem and unlocking visionary partnerships that drive positive change and outcomes. 
  • 在澳门葡京赌博游戏的治疗领域和地区创造行业领先的增长. 
  • 继续执行澳门葡京赌博游戏的“行动2025”计划.


  • 继续使澳门葡京网赌游戏成为一个伟大的工作场所. 
  • Making it easier to work across our Group to deliver sustainable growth. 
  • 确保澳门葡京赌博游戏以最明智的方式运作, increasing the speed of delivery of medicines to patients through our Future of Work initiative. 
  • Harnessing the power of 科学与创新 in ways that positively impact patients, 卫生保健系统, 还有环境. 
  • Progressing our 可持续性 strategy across three integrated priority pillars: access to healthcare, 环境保护, 道德和透明度.




Our business is organised to deliver our growth through innovation strategy and achieve our purpose of pushing the boundaries of science to deliver life-changing medicines.

澳门葡京赌博游戏的R&D and Commercial functions promote accelerated decision making and the launches of new medicines across our therapy areas.


澳门葡京赌博游戏正在引领肿瘤学的一场革命,重新定义癌症治疗. 澳门葡京赌博游戏的志向是跟随科学去发现, develop and deliver life-changing treatments that transform outcomes and increase the potential for cure.


We are transforming care for billions of people living with chronic diseases and delivering long-lasting immunity. 澳门葡京赌博游戏的目标是尽早干预以保护重要器官, 减缓或逆转疾病进展, 并使这些退化性疾病得到缓解, 使人衰弱的, 以及危及生命的情况, 所以更多的人可以生活得更好, 更健康的生活.


Our mission is to transform the lives of people affected by rare diseases through the development and delivery of innovative medicines as well as supportive technologies and healthcare services.


受到澳门葡京赌博游戏的价值观和科学的启发, we are focused on accelerating the delivery of life-changing medicines that create enduring value for patients, 社会与股东.

澳门葡京赌博游戏致力于可持续经营, 以一种认识到业务增长之间相互联系的方式, 社会的需要和地球的局限.


澳门葡京赌博游戏的目标支撑着澳门葡京赌博游戏所做的一切. 它给了澳门葡京赌博游戏每天来工作的理由. 它提醒澳门葡京赌博游戏作为一家公司存在的意义. It helps us deliver benefits to patients and create value for shareholders.

澳门葡京赌博游戏遵循科学. 澳门葡京赌博游戏把病人放在第一位. 澳门葡京赌博游戏为赢而战. 澳门葡京赌博游戏做正确的事. 澳门葡京赌博游戏是企业家.

Our Values determine how we work together and the behaviours that drive our success. 它们指导澳门葡京赌博游戏做决定,定义澳门葡京赌博游戏的信念.


澳门葡京赌博游戏致力于成为一个伟大的工作场所. One where everyone who chooses to work at our company is able to make a difference to patients, a meaningful contribution to 社会 and a positive impact on our planet.

We foster an environment where our people feel they belong and are empowered to reach their full potential, perform at their best and make a valued contribution to the enterprise.



Our vision for patients is to deliver the healthcare experience and outcomes that people care about most so they can enjoy fulfilling lives.

Everything we do is aimed at enhancing the lives of people with disease and illness. Decisions we make across the patient experience are informed by what people tell us matters most to them.


We know that our future depends on taking bold action for the health of people, 社会, 这个星球. 在澳门葡京网赌游戏, 可持续发展是澳门葡京赌博游戏DNA的一部分, 嵌入澳门葡京赌博游戏所做的每一件事, 从实验室到病人.

与澳门葡京赌博游戏所有的利益相关者合作, we are harnessing the power of science and innovation to deliver life-changing medicines in a way that is respectful of our planet.

Our sustainability strategy is guided by three interconnected strategic priorities.



Be among our employees who continue to make us an innovation-driven company that stands firmly among the world’s leaders in biopharmaceuticals.